Before I joined the “dark side” and became a conniving copywriter… I spent several years working part time as a newspaper reporter. One of the biggest challenges of that job was just getting people to talk to you. Your typical “Joe Lunchbucket” (my editor’s name for the guy on the street) has a healthy distrust […]
Continue readingBefore the days of the interwebs, when humanity was still shuttling paper missives to and fro on the backs of weary postal carriers… Smart marketers used a technique called a “stick letter.” A well-written stick letter would almost always boost profits, reduce refunds and increase customer satisfaction. This same approach works with email courses too—and […]
Continue readingWhen I’m talking to “civilians” (i.e. business owners who aren’t experienced marketers) is: If I’m not careful I can end up coming across like a complete psychopath. That’s because I usually start the conversation off by looking for PAIN. I ask probing questions about what their customers are experiencing in their day-to-day lives. I’m looking […]
Continue readingBack when I was commuting into Pittsburgh every day, I used to hate Friday afternoons with a passion. I worked on the 57th floor of the tallest building in the city. And every Friday at 3 p.m. I’d wander over to the window and see the great weekend exodus already underway. There are many great […]
Continue readingRight now I’m getting harassed (virtually speaking) by this guy named Matt. Matt apparently created the best infographic EVAR about WordPress plugins. And he (or more likely, his virtual assistant) keeps spamming me to share it via the contact form on my site. So far I’ve just ignored the emails, but one more and I’ll […]
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