How to Do Cold Email Outreach Without Looking Like A Spammer

Right now I’m getting harassed (virtually speaking) by this guy named Matt.

Matt apparently created the best infographic EVAR about WordPress plugins.

And he (or more likely, his virtual assistant) keeps spamming me to share it via the contact form on my site.

So far I’ve just ignored the emails, but one more and I’ll be clicking the SPAM button on ol’ Matt.

This is a classic example of what NOT to do when you’re reaching out “cold” via email.

You’re burning bridges, AND your emails mostly get ignored.

There’s a way to do this that doesn’t make you feel gross—and it works better too.

It’s a trick called the “9-Word Email.”

Details in the video below:

P.S. When you’re done watching the video, click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.

In these videos I’ll be answering questions and sharing my screen for more “behind-the-scenes” topics that don’t translate well to text.