Question: Are you satisfied with the level of success in your business? Subscriber Osman isn’t. He asks: How old were you when you first started seeing success in your online business ventures? I turned 31 this year and the older i get the more depressed and demotivated i feel. The “time’s running out” kinda feeling. […]
Continue readingLast week I officially canceled my accounts with and and moved all of my digital products over to a new platform called Podia. Once the new store was “live,” I sent an email to all of my customers to let them know how to access their products. A student from my Email Copywriting […]
Continue readingFunny thing happened the other week: Out of the blue I get an email from this guy named Spencer Fry. Spencer said that a mutual friend, Justin Jackson, recommended that we should connect. Would I be interested in a 15-minute “get to know you, maybe we can work together” chat? Usually I turn these down—I […]
Continue readingThe thing that originally attracted me to marketing, email and copywriting was the dream of “passive income.” I loved the idea of creating products and setting up automated email sequences that would increase my income and give me more free time. So how close to that dream is my current daily reality? inquires marketer-turned-software developer […]
Continue readingOne of my subscribers has a side hustle running a “learn to code” website. And he’s feeling frustrated about making the jump to working for himself. He writes: I struggle a lot with managing time. I work full time as a programmer and the business (iLoveCoding) does not make enough to cover my personal expense. […]
Continue readingBack in August I did a “digital purge”: – I massively unsubscribed from email lists and email notifications that weren’t providing consistent value—nearly 150 subscriptions in all. – I cut social media out of my life almost completely. – I slashed my consumption of “news” to next to nothing. – I stopped listening to almost […]
Continue readingOne time when I was a kid, I was splashing around in a creek with a few friends of mine. At one point one of the other boys happened to look down, and he saw something stuck to his leg. It looked like a worm, but it was in fact— A leech. Utterly repulsive. I […]
Continue readingSo why am I putting in all this effort to write faster, anyway? If I want to be more productive, shouldn’t I just focus on carving out more time to write? After all, I can write just as many words per day just by increasing the amount of time I spend at the keyboard, can’t […]
Continue readingEvery couple of months, it occurs to me that I’d be way more productive if I could just get up earlier and get some writing done on my ebook, weekly newsletter and blog before starting work at my day job. Writing is important to me, so why not tackle it first thing?
I get fired up, set an arbitrary goal (500 words a day sounds achievable!), crank my alarm back to 6:15 and hit the pillow with head abuzz about how I’m going to crush it on my new schedule.
Continue readingThe negative reviews for Tim Ferriss’s The 4-Hour Work Week scared me off three times. A con man who needs to be taken down. Modern day snake oil. This advice works if you’re already making $40,000 a month, otherwise forget it. When my curiosity finally won out, I was braced for a hyper-ventilating sermon: “Start […]
Continue readingSince discovering Getting Things Done four years ago, I’ve tried just about every task management system out there: text files, Remember the Milk, Toodledoo, Evernote, OneNote, Outlook, paper, hipster PDAs. They all have their strengths, but each was missing some key element that left me wanting more. The search is over, though. Trello is about […]
Continue readingAbout a month ago, I watched Scott Hanselman’s awesome productivity talk, It’s not what you read, it’s what you ignore, and it spurred me to take a hard look at my daily Internet usage. As a result I’ve finished several projects that were previously languishing on my to-do list, and I’ve improved my focus. One […]
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