Kill the “Powered by KingSumo” Badge on Your Giveaway Landing Page

One common question I get is this:

“How do I remove the ‘Powered by KingSumo’ badge on my giveaway landing page?”

People are nervous about their competitors noticing what they’re doing and spinning up a giveaway of their own.

That’s understandable–after all, I found out about KingSumo Giveaways from clicking that very badge on a contest that Noah Kagan was running.

There’s no option to do this from within WordPress, but you can easily take it out by editing the plugin files.

Here are the steps:

  • Using an FTP plugin like Filezilla, connect to your hosting provider and go to /wp-content/plugins/ks-giveaways/templates/responsive3.
  • Download the rules.php file.
  • Open the file with a text editor like Sublime Text. At the bottom of the file, you’ll find the code for the badge. Delete the entire <a href=""></a> tag.
  • Save and upload the file!

That’s all there is to it.

I got these instructions from the KingSumo team. Here’s the original post.

Joana Nastari - December 31, 2014

Hello Josh,

Actualy there is an easier way to do that! 🙂

On WordPress dashboard just go to Settings > KingSumo Giveaways > Advanced and add this code to “Extra Footer”:

<style type="text/css">
.small-12.text-center .powered-by { display: none; }

I will start soon my first giveaway with KingSumo and found very usefull information on your site. Thanks for sharing your experience!

Happy new year from Spain!

    Josh - January 1, 2015

    Thanks, Joana. That’s way, way easier. 🙂

      Brian - April 5, 2015

      I just tried the CSS edit in the “extra footer” section and it didn’t work. An even EASIER way to do it, is to login into your hosting account, go to file editor in the Control Panel (I use HostMonster), and directly edit the PHP file right there in your hsoting account. Then there’s no need for jumping through the Filezilla hoops, etc.

      When you login in do this:

      Use Control F 9or scroll to the bottom of the page) and find this code and delete it (or do what I did and insert your won link):

      <a href="” class=”powered-by” target=”_blank”>Powered by KingSumo Giveaways

      Here’s what success looks like:

James - May 8, 2015

Brian, that still did not work, I am looking at your giveaway and it still has the footer of kingsumo there. Do you know which footer to use for kingsumo using WordPress? Just started using kingsumo for [1]: ****really** cool site!**

Jesse & Alyssa - December 19, 2015

Here’s the answer…. You need to put the code in BOTH the Extra Footer AND the Extra Contestant Footer box. If you do one or the other as AppSumo instructs on their FAQ you won’t get the desired result. For a simpler code just use this:

.powered-by { display: none; }

Put it in both boxes like this


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