Do You Need Your Own Product To Start Mailing Your Email List?

There’s this product I’m *dying* to sell to the list over at Simple Programmer.

It’s a course about how to survive the brutality of the “technical interviews” used by many companies to hire software developers.

These “coding interviews” are unique to the software development world—and they tend to blindside a lot of new developers.

Basically you show up for a job interview, and they stick you in front of a whiteboard and start firing questions at you—and you have to solve them on the spot, using just a magic marker and the knowledge between your ears.

REALLY stressful.

I’ve sent a couple of emails about this topic, and the opens and clicks were off the charts.

Sadly though me and my business partner John are tied up working on other products, so no Simple Programmer interviewing course anytime soon.

No matter how many products you have, though, you’ll always have “gaps” like this—things you know your list would benefit from, that *someday* you’ll get around to creating…

In the meantime though, I still want to help our audience with this problem.

Here’s what I plan to do:

I’m going to create an email course all about acing your programming interview—just the same as if I had a product to sell at the end.

Instead of offering a Simple Programmer product, though, I’m going to use the email course to pitch an affiliate product.

This product is an excellent software-based tutorial that walks developers through realistic simulations of the dreaded “whiteboard coding” exercises.

My main rule with affiliate products is that you should believe 100% in the quality and the value of the product you’re promoting.

It’s always going to be tougher to sell someone else’s product, because your audience trusts YOU, and it’s not always easy to transfer that trust onto someone else.

Because of that it’s super important that YOU are sold first.

In this case that’s no problem at all. I’ve demoed the software myself, and it’s a tool I would have loved as a developer.

So I’ll write these emails to pitch the software.

And if our audience responds well to this offer, John and I can circle back around and build our own course—maybe even find a way to bundle it with this software.

There are always products out there looking for customers.

Why not find some your audience would love—and make the introduction?