Search Results for giveaway

Nekked little squeeze page

A couple of months back I put up a “squeeze page.” (You already know what that is, even if you don’t know the term. It’s an email opt-in page that teases a giveaway, like a free report, but “squeezes” the reader to surrender their email address first.) My squeeze page offers my “Email Marketing Cheatsheet,” […]

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4 ways to jump start a new email list with a small budget

I’m a member of a small Google group that likes to talk about marketing, and recently one of the members, James, posed an interesting question. One of his clients is a novelist who is trying to build an email list to help market a novel. And James has no idea where to start: Assuming I […]

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Is Twitter a waste of time for an email marketer?

Last week while we were recording the Entreprogrammers Podcast, John Sonmez hit me with a painful proposition: Has my entire marketing strategy for my books been wrong? Let me back up. Over the last couple of months, sales of my two Sublime Text books have tapered off. I recognized the downward trend in April, and […]

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Grow your email list (and sales) by avoiding this common mistake

A few weeks ago, I was talking with another self-published author, comparing notes about how we market our books. His sales had slowed recently, and his email signups had dropped off as well. He wasn’t sure what was causing the issue, but as we talked, one root cause became apparent. He admitted that he’d gotten […]

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Hi, I’m Josh Earl I’m a copywriter, email marketer and programmer. I write marketing emails for clients in several markets, including tax prep, chiropractic and dental practice development, Internet marketing and software as a service. I run a weekly email newsletter for programmers with more than 78,000 subscribers. I’m the author of two self-published books […]

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